
EN 101 Section 002: English Composition

Spring, 2010
3 Credit Hours
Primary Instructor: Beth Duncan
Core Designation: Freshmen Composition


From the Student Records System

No prerequisites found.

Course Description

 The first in a two-course sequence, English 101 introduces college-level writing, critical reading, basic citation, and the rhetorical tools needed to participate successfully in the University of Alabama academic community.


 A major goal of EN 101 is to familiarize students with the writing process (prewriting, drafting, revising)—this will be achieved, in part, by writing in class every day. Students should be able to collaborate effectively with peers and the instructor, engaging in reader-based and criterion-based responses, editing, and revising of others’ work. In each essay, students should address the challenges of the assignment by using rhetorical strategies that are appropriate and effective.  Students should use an appropriate style (clear writing, varying sentence structures, appropriate voice, tone, and level of formality) and should learn to identify and address an audience. Student writing should also demonstrate proficient use of syntax, grammar, punctuation, and spelling, and show a comprehension of how each sentence is best put together and understood by an audience. Students should learn that there are different discourse conventions in different academic communities and should begin to learn these necessary conventions.  In addition, students should learn the metacognitive skill of self-reflection, as they revisit their essays throughout the semester.  The ability to use quotes, paraphrases, summaries, and documentation correctly in their writing is also expected of all students who complete English 101 at UA.

Outline of Topics


This course is organized around 4 units and two reflective assignments:


I. Writing to Share Experiences

II. Writing to Explore

MIDTERM--Reflection on your writing

III. Writing to Inform

IV. Writing to Analyze

FINAL--Reflection on your writing


Each unit will focus on one major writing assignment. The reflective assignments will ask you to evaluate your own writing in terms of the course objectives. Readings will be assigned to correspond with these writing assignments, and each unit will involve various in-class activities and process writing. The due dates for the major assignements are listed in the next section.

Exams and Assignments

Listed are the major papers and exams.  Each paper will also include drafts and outlines with due dates to be posted in eLearning throughout the semester.   For more details, see the Class Schedule section.




Papers/Projects Due

Due Dates

1-Writing to Share Experiences

800 word essay (10%)


2-Writing to Explore

1000 word essay (10%)


Mid-term Reflection

800 word essay (10%)


3-Writing to Inform

1200 word essay (10%)


4-Writing to Analyze

1400 word essay (15%)


Final Exam Reflection

1300 word essay (15%)


Required Texts

UA Supply Store Textbook Information


Other Course Materials

You will need a jump drive for this course.  Your copy of Writer's Reference must have an unused Compclass code.  If you buy a used book, you will have to purchase a Compclass code online.   

Grading Policy


Written work will be evaluated in four areas: Content, Organization, Style, and Mechanics.  A detailed rubric will be provided with each paper assignment to clarify the areas being evaluated.


“A” work must be excellent in all areas; “B” work must be good in all areas; “C” work must be at least competent in all areas; “D” work is marginally below college standards in at least one of the areas; and “F” work is clearly below minimum college standards in one of the areas. Work that does not follow the assignment (though otherwise acceptable) will also receive an “F.”  Work that is not done or not turned in is recorded as a zero.  All major papers will be graded and returned before the next major assignment is due.  Freshman-level proficiency in writing is required for a passing grade.


Papers are graded A through F with pluses and minuses as necessary.

Paper grades can be converted to numeric values like this:

A+=98, A=95, A-=92, B+=88, B=85, B-=82, C+=78, C=75, C-=72, D+=68, D=65, D-=62, F=50.


Final numeric grades will be converted to letter grades like this:

100-98=A+; 97-93=A; 92-90=A-; 89-88=B+; 87-83=B; 82-80=B-; 79-78=C+; 77-73=C; 72-70=C-; 69 and below=NC


ABC-No Credit Policy


Final grades for the class below a C- are given a mark of No Credit (NC), which does not reflect on your GPA but will require you to take the course again.



Grading Summary for Final Grade:

·         Daily Work (quizzes, homework, in-class assignments, etc.) – 20% [cannot be made up or turned in late]

·         Rough drafts and outlines—5%

·         Essay 1 (Narrative)– 10%

·         Essay (Exploration)– 10%

·         Reflective Midterm Essay– 10%

·         Essay 4 (Informative)– 15%

·         Essay 5 (Analysis)– 15%

·         Reflective Final Essay – 15%


Midterm Grading

Midterm grades will be calculated in the following way:

(*10%+10%+10%+10%)/40%=mid-term grade

*1/2 of the daily work percentage


Extra Credit Opportunities

 At the end of the semester, there will be an extra credit assignment offered.

Policy on Missed Exams & Coursework


Missed Course Work

Homework, daily grades, and rough drafts will not be accepted late for any reason. All homework and rough drafts are due at the beginning of class and will not be accepted later that same day. I do not accept emailed course work.


Late Paper Policy

Papers are not considered turned in until I have received a paper copy. I am not responsible for papers dropped off to my box in the English office, placed in my office when I am not there, etc. I do not accept emailed papers.


Late papers will be penalized 10 points for each day they are late. This means if your paper is due on Monday and you turn it in on Wednesday, 20 points will be deducted.  Please remember that deadlines are important in this class!


No papers will be accepted one week after the due date.


This policy does not apply to the final reflective assignment. This final paper cannot be turned in or taken late.


Attendance Policy


  1. 1.      Successful students attend class regularly and are not tardy

    2.      Major graded work (such as tests or papers) missed due to legitimate circumstances beyond the student’s control may be made up if arrangements are made with the instructor in advance, or in a timely fashion upon the student’s return to class.

    3.      The lectures, class discussion, group work, and other daily exercises in a writing class cannot be reconstructed for a student who has been absent; therefore, daily work missed due to tardiness or an absence (for any reason) cannot be made up.

    4.      Students who miss more than 20% of class meetings (9 classes in MWF courses or 6 classes in TR courses) may receive a grade of NC; such cases, and those of disputed multiple or extended absences, will be referred to the Department Chair for review. Especially difficult cases may be forwarded to the Dean of Arts and Sciences for adjudication.

    5.      This should not be understood as the number of classes you are allowed to miss; rather, it sets  the  outside limit after which the higher administration of the University may become involved in the grading process. 



Office Hours

10:00-11:00 MWF or by appointment

Location: RJ 19

Chain of Command


Chain of Command for Complaints:

If you have a problem with anything that happens in this class, please see me first. If we are not able to resolve the problem, please see Jessica Kidd, Associate Director of First-year Writing.

University of Alabama Writing Center

 The Writing Center, located in 322 Lloyd Hall, is a wonderful resource for students. They do not proofread papers or write papers for you, but they can help with overall structure, organization, development, and mechanics. Take a copy of the writing assignment sheet and any work you’ve completed toward the assignment if you go. Go to for more information or to set up an appointment.

Academic Honor Code


ELearning is the online course management system used by the University of Alabama. Our course page can be accessed through the student tab of Assignment sheets and handouts, an updated version of the syllabus and policy statement, and a link to compclass will all be available on our class homepage.


In addition, I use eLearning to send class emails. Please get in the habit of checking eLearning email regularly or have the emails forwarded to an account you use often.



ELearning is the online course management system used by the University of Alabama. Our course page can be accessed through the student tab of Assignment sheets and handouts, an updated version of the syllabus and policy statement, and a link to compclass will all be available on our class homepage.


In addition, I use eLearning to send class emails. Please get in the habit of checking eLearning email regularly or have the emails forwarded to an account you use often.


The University of Alabama is committed to helping students uphold the ethical standards of academic integrity in all areas of study. Students agree that their enrollment in this course allows the instructor the right to use electronic devices to help prevent plagiarism. All course materials are subject to submission to for the purpose of detecting textual similarities. Assignments submitted to will be included as source documents in’s restricted access database solely for the purpose of detecting plagiarism in such documents. will be used as a source document to help students avoid plagiarism in written documents.


It is unethical to “reuse” your papers from other classes for assignments in this class.



The University of Alabama is committed to helping students uphold the ethical standards of academic integrity in all areas of study. Students agree that their enrollment in this course allows the instructor the right to use electronic devices to help prevent plagiarism. All course materials are subject to submission to for the purpose of detecting textual similarities. Assignments submitted to will be included as source documents in’s restricted access database solely for the purpose of detecting plagiarism in such documents. will be used as a source document to help students avoid plagiarism in written documents.


It is unethical to “reuse” your papers from other classes for assignments in this class.

Other Information


Late Instructor Instructions:

If I am late and there is no notice on the door, please wait ten minutes then send someone to the First-year Writing Program Office (Morgan Hall 207) to tell them I was not in class.


Class Environment:

Be respectful of your classmates and instructor. Help me foster a learning environment that is productive and positive for everyone. I absolutely will not tolerate harassment of any kind in my classroom (this includes harassment because of gender, race, sexual orientation, background, religion, etc.).  I am a Safe Zone ally.


Text messaging, disruptive cell phones, or other inappropriate or disrespectful behavior (to me or classmates) will result in your dismissal from the classroom.


Please feel free to talk to me if any person or aspect of this class makes you uncomfortable. I want everyone to have a good experience in this class!


Some Advice

Never erase any computer files generated for this class, and never throw any papers away.


While I will do my best to facilitate your learning in this class, you are responsible for your success. Arrange conferences with me to get extra help when you need it, visit the writing center, and stay caught up with readings and assignments.


Class Contacts

If you miss class, it is your responsibility to contact classmates to find out homework instructions and what we did that day in class.  Write down the names and phone #s or email addresses of at least 2 classmates.

Class Schedule


EN 101-002 and 004                                                                                                                          


Syllabus for EN 101-002 and 004

Spring 2010


Bring both textbooks to every class.

All assignments are due at the beginning of class on the day listed. 

If you are late, your homework will not be accepted.



Week 1  Unit 1:  Writing to Share Experiences         


Monday  1/11       First Day of Class: Hand out Syllabus and Policy Statement, Class



W         1/13           Homework Due:  Writing activity on p. 9 of GUIDE

                                Reading Due:  GUIDE Ch. 1 (pp. 4-18)

In Class: Write diagnostic essay; discuss reading and homework


F              1/15        Homework Due:  Activities on pp. 33 and 45 of GUIDE

                                Reading Due:  Ch. 2 (pp. 20-39) and Ch. 3 (pp. 41-64)

In Class: Computer Lab Morgan 203; you will need Compclass code from Writer’s Reference book



Week 2


M             1/18        Holiday – Martin Luther King Jr. Birthday


T              1/19        Last day to register or add a class

                                Last day to drop a course without a grade of “W”

W            1/20        Homework Due:  After completing the reading assignment below, choose                                                                                                                  

                        one of the essays (Baker, Barrientos, or Ogletree) and answer the   

                        Rhetorical Knowledge questions following the essay.

                                Reading Due:  GUIDE Ch.4 (pp. 66-95); Ch. 15 (749-758)

In Class:  Discuss writing to share experiences and peer review strategies


F              1/22        Homework Due:   Revised/typed diagnostic essay

                                Reading Due:  GUIDE pp. 96-106

                                In Class:  Exchange and review essays; introduce photo assignment



Week 3


M             1/25     Homework Due:  Photo assignment (20 pts.)

                                Reading Due:  GUIDE pp. 696-702

                                In Class:  Grammar exercises/ review


W            1/27        Homework Due:  Revised DRAFT of paper 1

                                Reading Due: None    

                                In Class:  Highlighter activity with drafts; exchange


F              1/29        Homework Due:  Writing activity on p. 105 of the GUIDE
                                Reading Due:  GUIDE pp. 106-122

In Class:  Meet in Morgan Lab 203.  You must have access to your essay in progress (email it to your Bama account or bring it on a jump drive)


Week 4  Unit 2:  Writing to Explore


M             2/1          Paper 1 Due: Shared experience essay (revised diagnostic) (10%) 

In Class:   Self-assessment of essay; introduction to exploration essay


W            2/3          Homework Due:  Brief summary of one of the chapter readings (Chang,

                                Wolff, or O’Rourke)

                                Reading Due:  GUIDE Ch. 5 (pp. 126-155)

                                In Class:  Group work with essays; exploratory essay idea generation


F              2/5          Homework Due:  Writing activity on pp. 160, 161

                                Reading Due:  GUIDE pp. 155-167

                                In Class:  Discuss organizational approaches for essay; refine topics



Week 5 


M             2/8          Homework Due:  Outline of Exploratory Essay

                                Reading Due:  GUIDE pp. 167-175

                                In Class:  Discuss reading; grading rubric for essay


W            2/10        Homework Due: DRAFT of exploratory essay (bring 2 copies)

Reading Due:  None

In Class:  Reader-based reviews of drafts    


F              2/12        Homework Due:  Grammar practice

                                Reading Due:  GUIDE pp. 176-183

                                In Class:  Computer Lab (Morgan 203) to work with drafts and Compclass


Week 6


M             2/15        Homework Due:  Revised DRAFT due to Compclass by 1 hour prior to            

                        class time 

                                Reading Due:  None

In Class:  Log in to Compclass and read and answer required questions regarding group members’ essays (total point value for draft and reviews=25).


W            2/17        Paper 2 Due: Exploration essay (10%) 

In Class: Essay reflections; discuss portfolios and reflective essay (midterm)


F              2/19        Homework Due:  Midterm notes

                                Reading Due:  Appendix A (pp. A1-A4)

In Class:  Meet in Morgan Hall 203 (lab) to work on midterm essays



Week 7  Unit 3:  Writing to Inform


M             2/22        Midterm Reflective Essay Due (10%)

In Class: Return essay 2 and work on grammar rules; discuss writing to inform, research, prewriting


W            2/24        Midterm grade submissions for 100-200 level courses (due 12:00


Homework Due:  Choose your top 2 scenarios (1-5 from reading) and write why these are your favorites

                                Reading Due:  GUIDE Ch.6 (pp. 186-199 and pp. 219-222)

                                In Class:  Divide into groups and discuss scenarios; freewriting activity


F              2/26        Homework Due:  Notes from reading (Ch.19)

                                Reading Due:  GUIDE Ch.19 (pp. 827-869)

                                In Class: discuss documentation, MLA


Week 8


M             3/1          Homework Due:  Conduct research for informative topic and correctly

                        document 3 sources.  Rough outline of essay also due.

                                Reading Due:  GUIDE Ch. 20 (pp.871-877)

In Class:  Discuss plagiarism; documentation guidelines; quoting, paraphrasing; organizing your information


W            3/3          Homework Due:  Summary of one essay from chapter reading

            (Peterson, Ezzell, or Hafner)

                                Reading Due:  GUIDE pp. 199-219

In Class:   Discuss qualities of informative writing and use of visuals; grading rubric


F              3/5          Homework Due:  Writing activity on p.229

                                Reading Due:  GUIDE pp. 222-235

                                In Class:  Morgan Hall 203 (lab) to work on research and drafts



Week 9


M             3/8          Homework Due:  DRAFT of informative essay due (bring 2 copies)

                                Reading Due:  GUIDE pp. 235-238

                                In Class:  Peer reviews of essay drafts


W            3/10        Homework Due:  Revised DRAFT due to Compclass one hour

            prior to class time

                                Reading Due:  GUIDE pp. 239-247

In Class:  Meet in Compclass to review classmates’ essays (groups will be assigned)


F              3/12        Paper 3 Due: Exploratory essay (15%)    

                                Reading Due:  None

                                In Class:  Essay reflection; introduce writing to analyze



Week 10 – Spring Break 


M             3/15        No Classes


W            3/17        No Classes


F              3/19        No Classes



Week 11                Unit 4: Writing to Analyze


M             3/22        Homework Due:  None

                                Reading Due:  None

                                In Class:  Exercises related to errors on essays; discuss analytical writing


W            3/24        Last day to drop a course with a grade of "W"

Last day to drop a course on-line. Drops after this date need to be processed in the student's college office.

Last day to withdraw from the University without having to petition to the student's college office                    

                                Homework Due: Grammar exercise handout

                                Reading Due: GUIDE Ch. 7 (pp. 250-265)

                                In-class: Discuss grammar questions; talk about analysis paper


F              3/26        Homework Due:  Choose your top 2 scenarios (1-5 from reading)

            and write why these are your favorites

                                Reading Due:  GUIDE Ch. 7 (pp. 250-265 and 285-288)

                                In Class:  Decide on topic for essay; brainstorm and freewrite



Week 12


M             3/29        Homework Due: Summary of one chapter reading (Lang,

            Rockhold, or Draut)

                                Reading Due: GUIDE pp. 266-285

                                In Class: Discuss readings; punctuation exercises



W            3/31        Homework Due:  Writing activity on pp. 288-289 of GUIDE

                                Reading Due:  GUIDE pp. 288-294

In Class:  Discuss organizational approaches; group work (p. 293)


F              4/2          Homework Due:  Analytical essay outline due (with 2 correctly

            documented references) 

                                Reading Due:  GUIDE pp. 877-880 (MLA)

In Class:  Morgan Hall 203 (lab); conduct research (see writing activity on p. 290)


Week 13


M             4/5          Homework Due:  None

                                Reading Due:  GUIDE pp. 294-301

                                In Class:  Grammar and punctuation reviews as needed  


W            4/7          Homework Due:  Writing activities p. 838 (research questions for

            essay 4) and p. 860 (Evaluate one of your resource websites using the questions)

                                Reading Due:  Review notes on Ch. 19; reread as needed

                                In Class:  Discuss homework; grading rubric for analytical essay


F              4/9          Honor’s Day – Classes Dismissed



Week 14


M             4/12        Homework Due:  DRAFT of analysis essay due to Compclass by           

                        one hour prior to class time 

                                Reading Due:  GUIDE pp. 301-306

In Class:  Meet in Compclass and review group members’ essays (follow instructions given)


W            4/14        Homework Due:  Rhetorical Knowledge Questions pp. 311, 312 GUIDE

                                Reading Due:  GUIDE pp. 306-313 and Ch. 18 (pp. 803-815)

                                In Class:  Use of visuals


F              4/16        Homework Due:  Revised DRAFT of analysis paper due (bring 2 copies)

                                Reading Due:  None

                                In Class:  Peer reviews of essays

Week 15               


M             4/19        Paper 4 Due: Analysis paper (15%)

                                In Class: reflect on essay; discuss final reflective essay and portfolio  


W            4/21     Homework Due:  None 

                                Reading Due:  Appendix A (pp. A1-A12)

                                In Class:  Read and discuss examples of reflective essays; evaluations


F              4/23        Last day for all tests, etc

                                Homework Due:  None

                                Reading Due:  None

                                In Class:  Essay corrections using Writer’s Reference text


Week 16—Study Week    


M             4/26     Homework Due:  None

                                Reading Due:  None

In Class:  Brainstorming/ Freewriting for final exam; grading rubric for final exam


W            4/28        Homework Due:  None

                                Reading Due:  None

                                In Class:  Morgan Hall 203 to work on final exam


F              4/30        Last day of Class

Homework Due: For extra credit:  Post DRAFT of final exam to Compclass by class time 

In Class:  Read and comment on up to 3 peer drafts (in Compclass during class time) for extra credit


Final Exam (20%)


Friday, May 7, 2010


Exam due (email as an attachment in bama mail or eLearning) by the end of exam time

Disability Statement

If you are registered with the Office of Disability Services, please make an appointment with me as soon as possible to discuss any course accommodations that may be necessary. If you have a disability, but have not contacted the Office of Disability Services, please call 348-4285 or visit 133-B Martha Parham Hall East to register for services. Students who may need course adaptations because of a disability are welcome to make an appointment to see me during office hours. Students with disabilities must be registered with the Office of Disability Services, 133-B Martha Parham Hall East, before receiving academic adjustments.

Policy on Academic Misconduct

All students in attendance at the University of Alabama are expected to be honorable and to observe standards of conduct appropriate to a community of scholars. The University expects from its students a higher standard of conduct than the minimum required to avoid discipline. Academic misconduct includes all acts of dishonesty in any academically related matter and any knowing or intentional help or attempt to help, or conspiracy to help, another student.

The Academic Misconduct Disciplinary Policy will be followed in the event of academic misconduct.

Severe Weather Protocol

In the case of a tornado warning (tornado has been sighted or detected by radar; sirens activated), all university activities are automatically suspended, including all classes and laboratories. If you are in a building, please move immediately to the lowest level and toward the center of the building away from windows (interior classrooms, offices, or corridors) and remain there until the tornado warning has expired. Classes in session when the tornado warning is issued can resume immediately after the warning has expired at the discretion of the instructor. Classes that have not yet begun will resume 30 minutes after the tornado warning has expired provided at least half of the class period remains.

UA is a residential campus with many students living on or near campus. In general classes will remain in session until the National Weather Service issues safety warnings for the city of Tuscaloosa. Clearly, some students and faculty commute from adjacent counties. These counties may experience weather related problems not encountered in Tuscaloosa. Individuals should follow the advice of the National Weather Service for that area taking the necessary precautions to ensure personal safety. Whenever the National Weather Service and the Emergency Management Agency issue a warning, people in the path of the storm (tornado or severe thunderstorm) should take immediate life saving actions.

When West Alabama is under a severe weather advisory, conditions can change rapidly. It is imperative to get to where you can receive information from the National Weather Service and to follow the instructions provided. Personal safety should dictate the actions that faculty, staff and students take. The Office of Public Relations will disseminate the latest information regarding conditions on campus in the following ways:

  • Weather advisory posted on the UA homepage
  • Weather advisory sent out through Connect-ED--faculty, staff and students (sign up at myBama)
  • Weather advisory broadcast over WVUA at 90.7 FM
  • Weather advisory broadcast over Alabama Public Radio (WUAL) at 91.5 FM
  • Weather advisory broadcast over WVUA 7. WVUA 7 Storm Watch provides a free service you can subscribe to that allows you to receive weather warnings for Tuscaloosa via e-mail, pager or cell phone. Check for details.